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The monome arc embodies the same basic design principles as our grid, with highly-detailed controls for adaptable and intuitive interaction. Instead of a multitude of binary points, the arc has four incredibly precise continuous controls with visual indication to match.


  • high resolution knobs, 1024 ticks per revolution.
  • each knob is encircled by a sixty-four segment light ring.
  • every LED is individually addressable with sixteen steps of variable brightness.


Usability and programmability:

  • norns - sound computer made by monome
  • computer - macOS, Windows, and Linux
  • modular - Eurorack modules which support arc

Additional information:

  • serialosc - an OSC server to connect a grid to your macOS, Windows or Linux machine
  • editions - information about different device generations
  • disassembly - guides for disassembling the hardware
  • care - some suggestions for device maintenance