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norns studies part 3: functions, parameters, time



Before we dive in, here is some terminology which is mentioned throughout this study:

  • evaluate: When we run our script, matron (which manages the norns Lua environment) will evaluate all of our script’s code and if there are no errors, it will run the script. Evaluating code just means submitting it to the system for parsing – if the code has no errors, then the code is stored in the short-term memory for execution as part of our script.

  • global and local scope: Functions and variables throughout our script can either be known to the entire script (and maiden’s command line), or they can be unique to a specific section. By default, everything in Lua is global unless it’s declared as local. For example, clear any previous code in the editor and start anew with:

      -- study 3
      -- code exercise
      -- global and local
      function init()
        local where_is_this = "here"

    And execute on the command line:

      >> where_is_this

    Because where_is_this is local to the init() function, that’s the only place where it has any value. The command line doesn’t have access to init()’s local space, so we cannot access where_is_this from the command line.

    norns has a lot of protections in place so that separate scripts can share global namespace (eg. one script’s hello() might do something quite different from another script’s hello(), but it’s totally okay for them to share a name), but you should be aware of these system globals which are sacred names that you must avoid redefining in your scripts (eg. it’d be bad to redefine the entire concept of midi). If you ever make a mistake with this, restarting norns will set things right.

  • return: In previous studies, functions performed operations in a fixed fashion – eg. a key function is called, a number is generated, that number is passed to our engine, that’s the end. Functions can also perform calculations or modify arguments and give (or return) the results back to us. For example, clear any previous code in the editor and start anew with:

      -- study 3
      -- code exercise
      -- return
      function add_ten(number)
        return number + 10
      function init()
        x = add_ten(3)
        y = add_ten(9)
        z = add_ten(-4)

    And matron will print:


we function together

So far we’ve seen three primary ways to run commands:

  • on the command line, for single lines
  • inside the init function which is run at startup of a script
  • inside of enc and key functions which are executed when you touch an encoder or key

Let’s learn a fourth way to quickly execute multi-line chunks of code for experimentation.

evaluating lines in maiden

First, locate yourself thus:

  • connect to norns via hotspot or network
  • navigate web browser to http://norns.local (or type in IP address if this fails)
  • you’re looking at maiden, the editor

If you’ve gone through the previous studies:

  • open your uniquely-named study folder in the maiden file browser
  • create a new file in your study folder: locate and click on the folder and then click the + icon in the scripts toolbar
  • rename the file: select the newly-created untitled.lua file, then click the pencil icon in the scripts toolbar
    • after naming it something meaningful to you (only use alphanumeric, underscore and hyphen characters when naming), select the file again to load it into the editor
If you haven't gone through the previous studies
  • create a new folder in the code directory: click on the code directory and then click the folder icon with the plus symbol to create a new folder
    • name your new folder something meaningful, like my_studies (only use alphanumeric, underscore and hyphen characters when naming)
  • create a new file in the folder you created: locate and click on the folder and then click the + icon in the scripts toolbar
  • rename the file: select the newly-created untitled.lua file, then click the pencil icon in the scripts toolbar
    • after naming it something meaningful to you (only use alphanumeric, underscore and hyphen characters when naming), select the file again to load it into the editor

The file is blank. Full of possibilities. Type the text below into the editor:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- evaluate

function greeting()
  print("hello there!")


Now, instead of saving and running the entire script, highlight the function definition in the editor and then press CMD + RETURN (Mac) / CTRL + ENTER (PC). This evaluates the highlighted text and you’ll see the code print as a single line with semicolons in the maiden REPL:

function greeting();  print("hello there!");end

This evaluation gesture checked our code chunk and has made it executable in our current session! Place the cursor on the last line of our code chunk and evaluate it using CMD + RETURN / CTRL + ENTER. You’ll see this print to the maiden REPL:

hello there!

It’s the same as if you executed it on the command line:

>> greeting()
hello there!

This can be a powerful learning tool, as we can modify and re-evaluate sections of our code without re-running the entire script. However, if we want to start from a blank slate, we need to re-run the entire script using the ‘run script’ play button or using CMD+P / CTRL+P

functional programming

As we mentioned at the start of study 1, a function is a block of code that is called, sometimes with additional arguments, and can conditionally return values. Functions are useful when you have some code you need to run frequently or perhaps from different places. They are very good for organizing and making your scripts readable and reusable.

For example, if we want to translate a MIDI note to a frequency in Hz (A=440), we need to use a bunch of math which we likely don’t want to remember: (440 / 32) * (2 ^ ((midi_note - 9) / 12)).

But we can just wrap that in a function:

function midi_to_hz(note)
  local hz = (440 / 32) * (2 ^ ((note - 9) / 12))
  return hz

What will happen:

  • we pass a MIDI note as an argument to the function, which our function will treat as a variable named note
  • the function creates a local variable called hz and performs math with note for the conversion from MIDI to Hertz
  • the function returns hz, which is the result of our conversion

zoom out

Throughout these studies, we’ve tried to provide clear examples of how your code should look as we suggest changes and add new functions. As you start to dream up your own scripts, you might be wondering if there’s a flow or order for how a script’s individual functions should be defined.

When you execute a script, the entire file is processed and then loaded. For example:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- zoom out pt.1 = "PolyPerc"

function init()

function key(n,z)
  local whatever = 30 + math.random(24)*2

function midi_to_hz(note)
  local hz = (440 / 32) * (2 ^ ((note - 9) / 12))
  return hz

Even though the key function comes earlier and references midi_to_hz(), everything works when we press any of our keys because the whole global scope is made aware of midi_to_hz. So, generally, we can simply add new functions at the bottom of the script, as we go.

In our zoom out exercise, you’ll also see that we did a little shortcut when we called midi_to_hz inside of our key function. Instead of:

local whatever = 30 + math.random(24)*2
local another_variable = midi_to_hz(whatever)

We simply nested the midi_to_hz function inside of our engine.hz function:

local whatever = 30 + math.random(24)*2

Let’s use this nesting in another exercise (with a new engine, PolySub). Clear any previous code in the editor and start anew with:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- zoom out pt.2 = 'PolySub'

function midi_to_hz(note)
  local hz = (440 / 32) * (2 ^ ((note - 9) / 12))
  return hz

function drone(note)
  engine.start(1,midi_to_hz(note)) -- nb. PolySub has different commands than PolyPerc!

Now, execute each of these lines of code, one at a time – either by using our line-evaluation key combo or the command line:


Here’s what happens:

  • our entire script is aware of the midi_to_hz function (remember: unless a variable is declared as local, Lua makes it global)
  • the drone function is designed to accept a MIDI note value, which it passes to a midi_to_hz function call inside of PolySub’s engine.start command
  • when we execute the drone(x) commands, we are passing a specific MIDI note value, which results in an audible note at the correct Hertz

many to many

So far, we’ve only used functions with one argument, but functions can have many arguments. Clear the previous code and start anew with:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- many to many = "PolyPerc"

function init()

function midi_to_hz(note)
  local hz = (440 / 32) * (2 ^ ((note - 9) / 12))
  return hz

function stack_notes(root, interval, number)
  local note = root
  for i=1,number do
    note = note + interval

The stack_notes function takes three arguments: a root note, a note interval, and a number of notes. Using a loop it plays a stack of notes. Try evaluating this:


It’ll play these 6 MIDI notes, which start at 40 and increment by 7 each time: 40 47 54 61 68 75.

some of many

But what if we leave off an argument when we call stack_notes?


Well, matron will return an error when the function tries to use nil as number in the loop:

lua: stdin:1: 'for' limit must be a number
stack traceback:
	stdin:1: in function <stdin:1>
	(...tail calls...)

To protect against this, we can define a default value in our functions. Let’s rewrite our stack_notes function to include some safeguards:

function stack_notes(root, interval, number)
  number = number or 4
  interval = interval or 7
  note = root or 50
  for i=1,number do
    note = note + interval

The number = number or 4 trick is the same as writing if number == nil then number = 4 end. It’s basically saying ‘number equals whatever number argument is passed in or if no number argument has been passed in, assign number the value of 4’.

Now you can even call stack_notes() and you’ll get something much more pleasant than an error!

many in return

Functions can also return many values. Clear the previous code and start anew with:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- many in return

function whereami()
  local a = math.random(128)
  local b = math.random(64)
  return a,b

Now we can execute whereami() (either through line-evaluation or on the command line) to get two random numbers. But how do we use them?

Try executing these lines in pairs:

x = whereami()

x,y = whereami()

x,y,z = whereami()
The last one returned two values, but also a nil...why?

whereami() is written to return only two values, so when we try to get a third value, it can only return nil.

Let’s use whereami() to display text in random positions on the screen:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- many in return

function whereami()
  local a = math.random(128)
  local b = math.random(64)
  return a,b

function redraw()

To force a redraw, press K1 to exit the script and press it again to come back in – norns will automatically call the redraw function of the currently-running script when screen focus comes back to the script.

tangle and detangle

Lua lets us easily make functions that point at other functions. Clear the previous code and start anew with:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- tangle and detangle = 'PolyPerc'

function midi_to_hz(note)
  local hz = (440 / 32) * (2 ^ ((note - 9) / 12))
  return hz

function happy()

function sad()

function key(n,z)
  if z == 1 then
    go = happy
    go = sad

The trick is in the key function – see how go is getting reassigned between each of the two functions before it’s executed at the end of the key function? This is where order really matters – matron will execute all the lines sequentially, one after the other. To demonstrate this, let’s modify the key function and re-run the script (so matron forgets what go is):

function key(n,z)
  if z == 1 then
    go = happy
    go = sad

Now, we’ll see errors that go is nil – that’s because key is attempting to call go before we assign it a function.

more tangled

For the puzzle lovers let’s make it even more complicated. Clear the previous code and start anew with:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- more tangled = 'PolyPerc'

function midi_to_hz(note)
  local hz = (440 / 32) * (2 ^ ((note - 9) / 12))
  return hz

function happy()

function sad()

feelings = {sad,happy}

function key(n,z)

What we’ve done is create a table of feelings, which contains the sad and happy functions. When we press a key, we shift the index of feelings and execute the corresponding function, since feelings[1] = sad and feelings[2] = happy

Being able to create a table of functions is actually very rad because the default way of thinking about decisions is perhaps to make a big if-else statement, eg.:

function key(n,z)
  if z == 1 then
  elseif z == 0 then

While this makes sense and is totally readable, it’s pretty rigid – happy() and sad() are hard-coded into our key-down and key-up. But what if our more tangled code could change itself while it ran?

After running the more tangled code example above, try live-executing:

feelings[2] = sad

…and press some keys. Oh no!! Always sad now!

all the feels

Now imagine adding some complexity to these functions, having more of them, and designing a process where they dynamically inform one another. It could look like:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- all the feels = 'PolyPerc'

function midi_to_hz(note)
  local hz = (440 / 32) * (2 ^ ((note - 9) / 12))
  return hz

function happy()

function sad()

function melancholic()

feelings = {sad,happy,melancholic,happy,happy,sad,sad,melancholic}
cutoffs = {800,400,1200}

feeling_index = 0 -- let's keep track of which feeling we're feeling
cutoff_index = 0 -- same for cutoff values

function key(n,z)
  if z == 1 then
    feeling_index = util.wrap(feeling_index + 1, 1, #feelings) -- increment the index
    cutoff_index = util.wrap(cutoff_index + 1, 1, #cutoffs) -- increment the index
    engine.cutoff(cutoffs[cutoff_index]) -- set the cutoff
    feelings[feeling_index]() -- feel the feeling

By using a table to store chord shapes, we created a score which we can iterate through our keypresses. By using a table to store cutoff values, we create timbral variety. By using libraries built into norns, we made easy work of cycling through both the chords and cutoff values and wrapping back around (here, we used util.wrap – check out its reference). By using live-evaluation, we can change the score by simply modifying our feelings table.

This is why programming in a musical context is so incredibly powerful and interesting. We hope you feel similarly :)


Managing numbers is of primary concern. We usually want them to stay in a certain range and behave a certain way, and this means typically making a lot of repetitive code. To help keep clusters of related numbers together and scripts looking clean, norns employs parameters.

It might help to approach these from a user perspective first – take a minute to revisit the parameters section of the play docs. Parameters are particularly special because they help streamline a number of things:

  • parameters surface variables from our code to the norns UI as readable names
  • parameters facilitate MIDI mapping of these variables + recall the mapping when the script is reloaded
  • parameter ID’s facilitate OSC control over these variables
  • parameter values can be saved through the PSET mechanism, to capture and recall unique script states

defining a parameter

Let’s establish a system menu parameter using params, which is a UI-visible instance of a norns library called paramset (which we’ll cover later). Clear the previous code and start anew with:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- parameters pt.1: defining


Here’s what we did:

  • id = “velocity” (this is the parameter’s scripting ID and OSC address, which we’ll cover more of in study 5)
  • name = “velocity” (the name we see in the norns PARAMETERS > EDIT menu UI)
  • minimum = 0 (the smallest value we can reach)
  • maximum = 127 (the largest value we can reach)
  • default = 63 (the starting value)

If you head to the PARAMETERS > EDIT menu on norns, you’ll see velocity at a default value of 63, which we can decrease/increase between 0 and 127 using E3.

Definitions for name, min, max, and default are all optional. We could add an unbounded number parameter without a visible name in the menu UI that defaults to 0 by simply writing params:add_number("anything"). The id field is all that’s required, though a blank and boundless number parameter is perhaps not a terribly useful menu entry for an artist using the script.

controlling a parameter with code

Besides editing in the menu, let’s do some things with code (evaluate through either line-execution or on the command line):

params:set("velocity", 110)
print("velocity is " .. params:get("velocity"))
params:delta("velocity", 20)
print("velocity is now " .. params:get("velocity"))

Note the colon (:) for the parameter functions. For the curious, these are class functions, a feature of Object Oriented Programming that we can use in Lua (heads up: not super beginner-friendly, so don’t worry about the ‘why’).

The lines above did some pretty handy things:

  • set the value
  • get the value
  • delta the value

You’ll notice that our delta of 20 from 110 didn’t get us to 130 – instead, we ended up at 127. This is because the range is clamped to our defined min and max. Since 130 is above 127, the final result was clamped to 127.

assigning an action to a parameter

Usually when a parameter changes we want something to happen. What if we could automatically call a function whenever a parameter changed via set or delta?

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- parameters pt.2: assigning

function print_bpm_to_sec(bpm)
  print(bpm .. " bpm is a " .. 60/bpm .. " second interval")

params:set_action("tempo", function(x) print_bpm_to_sec(x) end)

Here’s what we did:

  • created a global function called print_bpm_to_sec, which accepts bpm as an argument and prints the conversion of bpm to seconds
  • added a number parameter for tempo, with a range of 20 to 240 and a default value of 88
  • set an action for the tempo parameter, where the current value of the parameter (x) is passed as an argument to the print_bpm_to_sec function

Now whenever the value of tempo is modified you’ll be informed of the interval time.

If we want to make parameter creation more readable, we can also format like this:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- parameters pt.2: assigning

function print_bpm_to_sec(bpm)
  print(bpm .. " bpm is a " .. 60/bpm .. " second interval")

  action=function(x) print_bpm_to_sec(x) end

Note that we’re using a new syntax style with curly brackets. This passes a table to the params:add function, which creates the new parameter. We’re able to specify the attribute names (ie, min, max which makes it more readable, in addition to specifying the action in the same line.

Either declaration method works – it’s just about what feels most comfortable for you.

more control + sound please

We can add more number parameters, but not all parameters are just basic numbers which change by steps of 1. To allow more responsive mapping to a specified min/max with linear and exponential scaling, norns gives us a control parameter and a control specification (referred to as controlspec) to define how our values should scale. We use these frequently with engine parameters.

Clear the previous code and start anew with:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- parameters pt.3: more control + sound = "PolyPerc"


The third argument of the params:add_control function is a controlspec. We used to create a new control specification with arguments:

  • min = 50
  • max = 5000
  • curve = exp (can also be lin)
  • step = 0 (output will be rounded to a multiple of step)
  • default = 555
  • unit = hz (for printing)

It’s easy to then directly attach the parameter to the engine’s cutoff parameter:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- parameters pt.3: more control + sound = "PolyPerc"

function init()
  params:set_action("cutoff", function(x) engine.cutoff(x) end)

Now we can use the system menu to directly change an engine parameter.

Let’s add some more interactions to the code!

First, let’s get the cutoff parameter to display in the script’s UI using params:string, which will return both the cutoff value and the ‘hz’ formatter:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- parameters pt.3: more control + sound = "PolyPerc"

function init()
  params:set_action("cutoff", function(x) engine.cutoff(x) end)

function redraw()

Then, let’s use E3 to delta the cutoff parameter:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- parameters pt.3: more control + sound = "PolyPerc"

function init()
  params:set_action("cutoff", function(x) engine.cutoff(x) end)

function redraw()

function enc(n,d)
  if n == 3 then

Finally, let’s use K3 to trigger a note (let’s use a sequins to make things interesting!):

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- parameters pt.3: more control + sound

local s = require 'sequins' = "PolyPerc"

function init()
  params:set_action("cutoff", function(x) engine.cutoff(x) end)

notes = s{330,495,660,247.5}

function redraw()

function enc(n,d)
  if n == 3 then

function key(n,z)
  if n == 3 then
    if z == 1 then

starting with action

You may have noticed that when the script loads, the synth actually doesn’t reflect the default 555 cutoff value. This is because the parameters load in a ‘cold’ state – they wait until they receive interaction before performing their action.

In order to trigger the action right when the script starts, you’ll need to include a params:bang() at the end of your parameter declarations, eg:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- parameters pt.4: starting with action

function init()
  params:add_number("print_me","print this",20,600,49)
  params:set_action("print_me", function(x) print(x) end)

This code snippet will print 49 to the REPL, whereas commenting out the params:bang() will result in no print at script start.


As mentioned at the start of this section, parameters are especially powerful because their states can be saved and restored. While it’s easy enough to save, load, and manage parameter sets through the norns UI, perhaps you’ll want to play around with PSET functions through code.

Run the parameters pt.3 code and adjust the cutoff value to taste. Let’s save this state by executing the following on the command line:

>> params:write(1,"later")

Here’s what we did:

  • told the params system to write a new PSET
  • specified slot 1 as the destination
  • specified later as the name for the PSET

We can validate that the PSET saved by heading to PARAMETERS > PSET in the norns menus.

You’ll also notice that after we executed the write command, matron returned a filepath (eg. /home/we/dust/data/my_studies/study_3-01.pset) where you can find this .pset file.

You can similarly load any PSET slot with:

>> params:read(1)

After a read, the norns system will cycle through every parameter to set its value to the PSET’s values, but it won’t perform the action function. In order to pass the PSET’s values through the parameter’s actions, you’ll need to include a params:bang(), which triggers every parameter.

>> params:read(1)
>> params:bang()

controlspec templates

In our parameters pt.3 code, we assumed a lot about what range would be useful for controlling a filter cutoff – to help guide us, norns comes with a number of controlspec templates which we can call on for easier parameter definition. These templates are listed in the API docs.

We could rewrite the init of our parameters pt.3 to utilize the constrolspec.FREQ template:

function init()
  params:set_action("cutoff", function(x) engine.cutoff(x) redraw() end)

This means out cutoff parameter will inherit some useful defaults, rather than us having to type them all out. To see the particulars:

>> tab.print(controlspec.FREQ)
warp	table: 0x455ee0
wrap	false
step	0
quantum	0.01
units	Hz
maxval	20000
default	440
minval	20

off-menu parameters

We’ve been using the default parameter set throughout, which automatically adds what we declare to the norns PARAMETERS system menu – but if we just want to use these templates for managing values, we can create as many of our own parameter sets as we want. Note that these are just convenience wrappers for using parameter-style formatting without creating norns menu items – and since these won’t be hooked up to the system menu, they don’t tie into PSETs, MIDI mapping, or OSC control. But they’re still helpful for establishing and manipulating variables in creative ways.

Here’s how to create one:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- parameters pt.6: off-menu

custom =

  type = 'option',
  id = 'grocery_list',
  options = {'apples','bananas','carrots','daikon','eggplant','fennel'},
  action = function() redraw() end

function redraw()

function enc(n,d)
  if n == 3 then

This creates a new parameter set called custom and adds a grocery_list as an option-type paramset. For a complete rundown of all the parameter types, see the extended reference.

it’s about time

Until now we haven’t considered time. How do we become aware of time? Try executing this on the command line:

>> util.time()

This will return something like: 1529498027.7441. This is the system time (in seconds), which is useful as a marker. Let’s measure the length of a key press!

Clear the previous code and start anew with:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- it's about time

down_time = 0

function key(n,z)
  if n == 3 then
    if z == 1 then
      down_time = util.time()
      hold_time = util.time() - down_time
      print("held for " .. hold_time .. " seconds")

Hold K3 and you’ll see a time measurement printed to the REPL upon release. We could use something like this to create a tap-tempo, by sampling the time interval between key-downs, storing those values in a table, and averaging the values.

time again

In addition to using keys and encoders to trigger functions, we can also make time-based metronomes which trigger functions.

Clear the previous code and start anew with:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- time again

function init()
  position = 0
  counter = metro.init()
  counter.time = 1
  counter.count = -1
  counter.event = count

function count(stage)
  position = position + 1
  print(stage .. "> " .. position)

Here’s what happened when we created a metro named counter in our init():

  • set interval time to 1 (second)
  • set count to -1, which means it’ll never stop (we could set this to a target number to auto-stop)
  • set the event function (like the param action functions we covered before)
  • start the metronome counting (note this is a class function, so use a colon!)

On each tick of the counter, the count function is executed. The value stage is the stage of the metro, which is automatically provided with each metro step. We create a position variable which is counted up.

Just like our previous practice with params, a metro can also be established in long or short-hand. This performs the same as the above:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- time again: short version

function init()
  position = 0
  counter = metro.init(count,1,-1) -- arguments are (event, time, count)

function count(stage)
  position = position + 1
  print(stage .. "> " .. position)

manipulate time

While the time again exercise runs, try executing the following one by one via line-execution or by executing on the command line to manipulate how counter operates:

counter.time = 0.5
position = 0
counter.count = 5


Here’s a quick script that creates a simple ascending strum pattern:

-- study 3
-- code exercise
-- time again: strum = "PolyPerc"

function init()
  strum = metro.init(note, 0.05, 8) -- strum will trigger 'note' every 50ms for 8 stages

function key(n,z)
  if z == 1 then
    strum:stop() -- stop the strum
    root = 40 + math.random(12) * 2 -- select a random root MIDI note, starting at 40
    engine.hz(midi_to_hz(root)) -- play the root
    strum:start() -- start the strum

function note(stage)
  local pitch = midi_to_hz(root + stage * 5) -- stage multiplies by 5 and adds to root
  engine.hz(pitch) -- play the pitch

function midi_to_hz(note)
  return (440 / 32) * (2 ^ ((note - 9) / 12))

Here’s what we did:

  • used a shortcut for initializing the metro by putting the event function, interval time, and number of stages in the metro.init() function arguments
  • when we push any key down, a random root note is selected and played and then the metro is started
  • because of our strum definition, note will trigger 8 times, and on each function call we will sound a new note that is 5 semi-tones above the previous note


  • changing the metro interval (eg. change 0.05 to 0.5 for slower jams)
  • changing the number of stages (eg. change 8 to 1 for a single note)
  • changing the stage multiplier (eg. change 5 to 12 for an octave shift)

example: spacetime

Putting together concepts above. This script is demonstrated in the video up top.

-- spacetime
-- norns study 3
-- ENC 1 - sweep filter
-- ENC 2 - select edit position
-- ENC 3 - choose command
-- KEY 3 - randomize command set
-- spacetime is a weird function sequencer.
-- it plays a note on each step.
-- each step is a symbol for the action.
-- + = increase note
-- - = decrease note
-- < = go to bottom note
-- > = go to top note
-- * = random note
-- M = fast metro
-- m = slow metro
-- # = jump random position
-- augment/change this script with new functions! = "PolyPerc"

note = 40
position = 1
step = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}
STEPS = 16
edit = 1

function inc() note = util.clamp(note + 5, 40, 120) end
function dec() note = util.clamp(note - 5, 40, 120) end
function bottom() note = 40 end
function top() note = 120 end
function rand() note = math.random(80) + 40 end
function metrofast() counter.time = 0.125 end
function metroslow() counter.time = 0.25 end
function positionrand() position = math.random(STEPS) end

act = {inc, dec, bottom, top, rand, metrofast, metroslow, positionrand}
label = {"+", "-", "<", ">", "*", "M", "m", "#"}

function init()
  params:set_action("cutoff", function(x) engine.cutoff(x) end)
  counter = metro.init(count, 0.125, -1)

function count()
  position = (position % STEPS) + 1

function redraw()
  for i=1,16 do
    screen.level((i == edit) and 15 or 2)
    if i == position then
      screen.move(i*8-8, 45)

function enc(n,d)
  if n == 1 then
  elseif n == 2 then
    edit = util.clamp(edit + d, 1, STEPS)
  elseif n == 3 then
    step[edit] = util.clamp(step[edit]+d, 1, COMMANDS)

function key(n,z)
  if n==3 and z==1 then

function midi_to_hz(note)
  return (440 / 32) * (2 ^ ((note - 9) / 12))

function randomize_steps()
  for i=1,16 do
    step[i] = math.random(COMMANDS)




  • part 0: first light // learning to read and edit code
  • part 1: many tomorrows // variables, simple maths, keys + encoders
  • part 2: patterning // screen drawing, for/while loops, tables
  • part 3: spacetime
  • part 4: physical // grids + MIDI
  • part 5: streams // system polls, OSC, file storage
  • further: softcut studies // a multi-voice sample playback and recording system built into norns


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Edits to this study welcome, see monome/docs.