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instance control

Syntax Description
my_metro = metro.init(event, time, count) Initialize a metro to execute an event, after a specified time (in seconds), for the total of count (use -1 for infinite). Auto-assigns the metro’s ID to the next unused value, 1 through 30. All arguments are optional.
my_metro:start(time, count, init_stage) Start executing the metro’s event, using either the pre-defined timecount , and the default init_stage (1) or the arguments passed with its invocation (note the :)
my_metro:stop() Stop executing the metro (note the :)

module control

Syntax Description Module-level function to stop executing a specific metro, making its ID available for re-assignment
metro.free_all() Module-level function to stop executing all script-level metros, making them all available for re-assignment Module-level function to create a metro with the specified id, utilizing default values for all other values (time = 1, count = -1, event = nil, init_stage = 1)

instance query

Syntax Description Returns the specified metro’s ID : number
my_metro.init_stage Returns the specified metro’s initial stage index : number
my_metro.count Returns the specified metro’s number of ticks to execute : number
my_metro.time Returns the specified metro’s time period between ticks (seconds) : number

module query

Syntax Description
metro.available Returns whether an ID is available for script metro assignment : table
metro.assigned Returns whether an ID is assigned by the script : table

example: countdown timer

The metro module is designed to count accurate time, so let’s use it as a countdown timer:

-- countdown timer = "PolyPerc"

function init()
  countdown_timer = metro.init()
  -- let's break up the metro invocation
  --   into explicit declarations:
  countdown_timer.event = countdown -- call the 'countdown' function below,
  countdown_timer.time = 1 -- every second,
  countdown_timer.count = 10 -- 10 times

  -- we'll use 'current' to keep track of the elapsed time:
  current = countdown_timer.count

  -- start our countdown timer:
  -- ping the countdown sound:

function countdown(stage)
  -- if we haven't hit the count, then...
  if stage ~= countdown_timer.count then
    -- current = total count - stage
    current = countdown_timer.count - stage
  else -- if we *have* hit the total count...
    current = "done"
    -- play a little ring:
        for i = 2,4 do

function redraw()


The metro module provides a script with 30 high-resolution counters, useful for event execution on a reliable seconds-based tick, for either a fixed number of ticks or to run without end.

metro accurately represents ‘linear’ time over many cycles with little to no jitter. This makes it the perfect time-tracking mechanism for modules like pattern_time, where events are expected to record and play back exactly as entered.

So when should a script use the clock module and when should it use a metro?

Typically, clock is used for working within musical time, where the overall sense of accuracy is defined by the cohesion of multiple devices rather than by any one device’s independent adherence to a strict tick – since musical time benefits from all devices fluidly accommodating for their individual timing jitters through MIDI, Link, or crow (see the control + clock section of the main norns docs for more detail), then consider clock the flexible, syncable timing module for syncing events to musical beats.

Though clock does have a time-based mode with clock.sleep(seconds), that is best used for short-term scheduling (like in our example above), where the prolonged repeated execution of an event on a regular time interval is not necessary (or is fine to slightly drift over time). Again, clock is absolutely timing-reliable for syncing to beats – eg. clock.sync(1) will always sync an event’s execution to the next beat-tick. metro should be used for situations where events needs to be executed at high-resolution regardless of beat-synced intervals – eg. screen / grid redraws, or scripting your own free-running LFOs.