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The lattice allows you to perform a function repeatedly, typically useful for building sequencers.


Syntax Description
my_lattice = lattice:new{args} Create a new lattice.
my_lattice:stop() Stop the lattice.
my_lattice:start() Start the lattice.
my_lattice:toggle() Start or stop the lattice.
my_lattice:destroy() Destroy the lattice.
my_lattice:pulse() Advance the lattice manually, if is false.
my_sprocket = lattice:new_sprocket{args} Create a new sprocket in this lattice.
my_sprocket:stop() Stop the sprocket.
my_sprocket:start() Start the sprocket.
my_sprocket:toggle() Start or stop the sprocket.
my_sprocket:destroy() Destroy the sprocket.
my_sprocket:set_division(number) Change division of the sprocket.
my_sprocket:set_action(function) Change the action of the sprocket.
my_sprocket:set_swing(swing) Change the swing percentage (0-100%)
my_sprocket:set_delay(delay) Change the delay of sprocket (0.0 - 1)


A lattice has no formal getter functions. Here are the arguments lattice:new{args} and lattice:new_sprocket{args} utilize, which can be queried with the following syntax:

Syntax Description State of auto advance, default true : boolean
my_lattice.enabled State of lattice, default true : boolean
my_lattice.ppqn The number of pulses per quarter cycle of this superclock, defaults to 96 : number
my_lattice.sprockets sprockets spawned by this lattice, by ID : table
my_lattice.sprocket_id_counter Last-spawned sprocket ID : number
my_lattice.transport Current transport position : number
my_sprocket.action Function assigned to sprocket : function
my_sprocket.division Division of the sprocket, default 1/4 : number
my_sprocket.order Order of the sprocket’s action execution when it shares a pulse with other sprockets, default 3: number
my_sprocket.enabled State of sprocket, default true : boolean Auto-assigned sprocket ID : number


lattice = require("lattice")

function init()

  -- default lattice usage, with no arguments
  default_lattice = lattice:new()

  -- default lattice usage, showing default arguments
  my_lattice = lattice:new{
    auto = true,
    ppqn = 96

  -- make some sprockets
  sprocket_a = my_lattice:new_sprocket{
    action = function(t) print("whole notes", t) end,
    division = 1,
    enabled = true
  sprocket_b = my_lattice:new_sprocket{
    action = function(t) print("half notes", t) end,
    division = 1/2,
    delay = 0.5
  sprocket_c = my_lattice:new_sprocket{
    action = function(t) print("quarter notes", t) end,
    division = 1/4,
    swing = 60
  sprocket_d = my_lattice:new_sprocket{
    action = function(t) print("eighth notes", t) end,
    division = 1/8,
    enabled = false

  -- start the lattice

  -- demo stuff
  screen_dirty = true
  redraw_clock_id =

function key(k, z)
  if z == 0 then return end
  if k == 2 then
  elseif k == 3 then

  -- lattice controls
  -- my_lattice:stop()
  -- my_lattice:start()
  -- my_lattice:toggle()
  -- my_lattice:destroy()

  -- individual sprocket controls
  -- sprocket_a:stop()
  -- sprocket_a:start()
  -- sprocket_a:toggle()
  -- sprocket_a:destroy()
  -- sprocket_a:set_division(1/7)
  -- sprocket_a:set_action(function() print("change the action") end)


function enc(e, d)
  params:set("clock_tempo", params:get("clock_tempo") + d)
  screen_dirty = true

function cleanup()

-- screen stuff

function redraw_clock()
  while true do
    if screen_dirty then
      screen_dirty = false

function redraw()
  screen.move(1, 8)
  screen.text(params:get("clock_tempo") .. " BPM")


By default, lattices are synced to the norns clock. Lattices are built on the concept of “pulses per quarter cycle”, codified as ppqn. For most scripts, the default 96 ppqn (which is something of an industry standard) will be sufficient. Lattices adheres to 4 pulses per cycle, since a “quarter note” is equal to “1/4”.

Each lattice contains multiple sprockets. A sprocket performs a simple function repeatedly. A sprocket’s division describes how frequently its action is called. An action is simply any user-defined function. Actions can trigger notes, play samples, manipulate variables, or even call other functions.

A default lattice (division of 1/4) will result in quarter notes in 4/4. The math is simply (1/4) * (4/4). We can arrive at sixteenth notes in 5/4 just as easily: (1/16) * (5/4).

lattice = require("lattice")

comparing_divisions = lattice:new{}

-- whole notes in 5/4
whole_fivefour = comparing_divisions:new_sprocket{
  action = function(t) print("~~~ whole notes in 5/4 ~~~", t) end,
  division = 5/4

-- whole notes in 4/4
whole_fourfour = comparing_divisions:new_sprocket{
  action = function(t) print("!! whole notes in 4/4 !!", t) end,
  division = 4/4

-- quarter notes in 4/4
quarter_fourfour = comparing_divisions:new_sprocket{
  action = function(t) print("< quarter notes in 4/4 >", t) end,
  division = 1/4

-- eighth notes in 5/4
eighth_fivefour = comparing_divisions:new_sprocket{
  action = function(t) print(">! eighth notes in 5/4 !<", t) end,
  division = (1/8) * (5/4)


Under the hood, a single fast “superclock” automatically runs all the sprockets at the frequency of the PPQN to ensure synchronization. If you wish to advance the lattice on your own (maybe for an LFO?), set auto to false and call :pulse() manually.

A sprocket’s action is passed the lattice’s transport position. This can be useful to determine a relative or absolute position in a work.

A sprocket’s swing allows you to control the swing of the emitted actions. The default swing is 50% (no swing). A swing above 50% will cause a long rest and then a short rest. A swing below 50% will create a short rest and then a long rest.

A sprocket’s delay allows you to control how much the sprocket is delayed, as a fraction of the current division. For example, a division of 1/4 with a delay of 0.5 will cause the action to be emitted every quarter note, but delayed from the main clock by an eigth note (0.5 * quarter note). This is useful for controlling the duration of a note when using note-on and note-off functions. You can set two sprockets - one for note-on and one for note-off - with the same division, but the note-off sprocket is delayed from the note-on sprocket (and can be modulated).

Multiple lattices can be run simultaneously. Multiple sprockets in different lattices can call the same action. Sprockets can be added and destroyed while lattices are running.

controlling order

As a lattice advances, it advances all of its sprockets by a pulse. In cases where the division of multiple sprockets are synchronized, it may be desirable to control the order in which their actions are called. By default, all sprockets are given a priority of 3 upon creation, which means that the order by which you build them determines the order by which they’ll execute, eg:

lattice = require("lattice")

comparing_priorities = lattice:new{}

-- quarter notes in 4/4
quarter_fourfour = comparing_priorities:new_sprocket{
  action = function(t) print("< quarter notes in 4/4 >", t) end,
  division = 1/4

-- whole notes in 4/4
whole_fourfour = comparing_priorities:new_sprocket{
  action = function(t) print("!! whole notes in 4/4 !!", t) end,
  division = 4/4


will print:

# script init
< quarter notes in 4/4 >    482
< quarter notes in 4/4 >    962
< quarter notes in 4/4 >    1442
< quarter notes in 4/4 >    1922
!! whole notes in 4/4 !!    1922

but this reordering:

lattice = require("lattice")

comparing_priorities = lattice:new{}

-- whole notes in 4/4
whole_fourfour = comparing_priorities:new_sprocket{
  action = function(t) print("!! whole notes in 4/4 !!", t) end,
  division = 4/4

-- quarter notes in 4/4
quarter_fourfour = comparing_priorities:new_sprocket{
  action = function(t) print("< quarter notes in 4/4 >", t) end,
  division = 1/4


will print:

# script init
< quarter notes in 4/4 >    482
< quarter notes in 4/4 >    962
< quarter notes in 4/4 >    1442
!! whole notes in 4/4 !!    1922
< quarter notes in 4/4 >    1922

We can manage the order directly by specifying a sprocket’s order upon creation, which determines the order of action execution on shared pulses, eg:

lattice = require("lattice")

comparing_priorities = lattice:new{}

-- whole notes in 4/4
whole_fourfour = comparing_priorities:new_sprocket{
  action = function(t) print("!! whole notes in 4/4 !!", t) end,
  division = 4/4,
  order = 2

-- quarter notes in 4/4
quarter_fourfour = comparing_priorities:new_sprocket{
  action = function(t) print("< quarter notes in 4/4 >", t) end,
  division = 1/4,
  order = 1


will print:

< quarter notes in 4/4 >    480
< quarter notes in 4/4 >    960
< quarter notes in 4/4 >    1440
< quarter notes in 4/4 >    1920
!! whole notes in 4/4 !!    1921

Since the quarter note has order = 1 and the whole note has order = 2, the quarter note’s action will always execute just before the whole note’s.

Contributed by Tyler Etters, Ezra Buchla, Zack Scholl, and Rylee Lyman