The audio
module allows scriptable control over many aspects of the norns audio graph, including levels, built-in effects, tape, and softcut.
Note that these functions are not coupled to the corresponding entries in PARAMETERS, so changes will not be reflected in the norns menu UI and they will not persist between script loads. This is useful for scripting unique states which do not overwrite user settings.
To simultaneously change these levels and the PARAMETERS values, use the params:set
version listed in each function’s description.
control: main levels
Syntax | Description |
audio.headphone_gain(gain) | Set the headphone gain (expects 0 to 64 ) : functionParams version: params:set("headphone_gain") , expects -math.huge to 6 (in dB) |
audio.level_adc(level) | Set the level for ADC input (expects 0 to 1 ) : functionParams version: params:set("input_level") , expects -math.huge to 6 (in dB) |
audio.level_dac(level) | Set the level for both output channels (expects 0 to 1 ) : functionParams version: params:set("output_level") , expects -math.huge to 6 (in dB) |
audio.monitor_mono() | Set monitor mode to mono : function Params version: params:set("monitor_mode") , expects 2 for mono |
audio.monitor_stereo() | Set monitor mode to mono : function Params version: params:set("monitor_mode") , expects 1 for stereo |
audio.level_tape(level) | Set tape output level (expects 0 to 1 ) : functionParams version: params:set("tape_level") , expects -math.huge to 6 (in dB) |
audio.level_cut(level) | Set softcut output level (expects 0 to 1 ) : functionParams version: params:set("softcut_level") , expects -math.huge to 6 (in dB) |
audio.pitch_on() | Enable input pitch analysis : function |
audio.pitch_off() | Disable input pitch analysis (saves CPU) : function |
audio.restart() | Restart the audio engine (recompiles sclang) : function |
control: effects levels
Reverb Functions
Syntax | Description |
audio.rev_on() | Turn reverb on Params version: params:set("reverb") , expects 1 (off) or 2 (on) |
audio.rev_off() | Turn reverb off Params version: params:set("reverb") , expects 1 (off) or 2 (on) |
audio.level_monitor_rev(val) | Set the send level for monitor into reverb (expects 0 to 1 ) : functionParams version: params:set("rev_monitor_input") , expects -math.huge to 18 (in dB) |
audio.level_eng_rev(val) | Set the send level for the script’s engine into reverb (expects 0 to 1 ) : functionParams version: params:set("rev_eng_input") , expects -math.huge to 18 (in dB) |
audio.level_tape_rev(val) | Set the send level for TAPE into reverb (expects 0 to 1 ) : functionParams version: params:set("rev_tape_input") , expects -math.huge to 18 (in dB) |
audio.level_cut_rev(val) | Set the send level for softcut into reverb (expects 0 to 1 ) : functionParams version: params:set("rev_cut_input") , expects -math.huge to 18 (in dB) |
audio.level_rev_dac(level) | Set the return level of the reverb (expects 0 to 1 ) : functionParams version: params:set("rev_return_level") , expects -math.huge to 18 (in dB) |
audio.rev_param(name, val) | Set a reverb parameter (see full list below) : function |
Reverb Parameters (use with rev_param
Name | Description | Params Version | Range |
pre_del | reverb pre-delay | params:set("rev_pre_delay") | 20 to 100 (in ms) |
lf_fc | low-pass filter cutoff | params:set("lf_fc") | 50 to 1000 (in Hz) |
low_rt60 | low frequency decay time (at DC, depends on mid_rt60 ) | params:set("rev_low_time") | 0.1 to 16 (in seconds) |
mid_rt60 | mid frequency decay time (high frequencies will decay at 1/2 of this value) | params:set("rev_mid_time") | 0.1 to 16 (in seconds) |
hf_damp | high frequency damping | params:set("rev_hf_damping") | 1500 to 20000 (in Hz) |
Compressor Functions
Syntax | Description |
audio.comp_on() | Turn compressor on Params version: params:set("compressor") , expects 1 (off) or 2 (on) |
audio.comp_off() | Turn compressor off Params version: params:set("compressor") , expects 1 (off) or 2 (on) |
audio.comp_mix(val) | Set the balance of wet/dry (expects 0 to 1 ) : functionParams version: params:set("comp_mix") , expects 0 to 1 |
audio.comp_param(name, val) | Set a compressor parameter (see full list below) : function |
Compressor Parameters (use with comp_param
Name | Description | Params Version | Range |
ratio | compressor ratio | params:set("comp_ratio") | 1 to 20 |
threshold | compressor threshold | params:set("comp_threshold") | -100 to 10 (in dB) |
attack | compressor attack time | params:set("comp_attack") | 1 to 1000 (in ms) |
release | compressor release time | params:set("comp_release") | 1 to 1000 (in ms) |
gain_pre | compressor pre-gain | params:set("comp_pre_gain") | -20 to 60 (in dB) |
gain_post | compressor post-gain | params:set("comp_post_gain") | -20 to 60 (in dB) |
Tape Functions
Syntax | Description |
audio.tape_play_open(file) | Open a tape file for playing |
audio.tape_play_start() | Start playing tape |
audio.tape_play_stop() | Stop playing tape |
audio.tape_record_open(file) | Open a tape file for recording |
audio.tape_record_start() | Start recording tape |
audio.tape_record_stop() | Stop recording tape |
softcut Input Levels
Syntax | Description |
audio.level_adc_cut (value) | Set the send level for the hardware input into softcut (expects 0 to 1 )Params version: params:set("cut_input_adc") , expects -math.huge to 18 (in dB) |
audio.level_eng_cut (value) | Set the send level for the engine into softcut (expects 0 to 1 )Params version: params:set("cut_input_eng") , expects -math.huge to 18 (in dB) |
audio.level_tape_cut (value) | Set the send level for the tape into softcut (expects 0 to 1 )Params version: params:set("cut_input_tape") , expects -math.huge to 18 (in dB) |
callbacks and helpers
Syntax | Description |
---|---| (in1, in2, out1, out2) | Script re-definable callback for VU meters (returns 0 to 63 ) |
audio.set_audio_level(value) | Set the final output level, which is saved as part of system settings (expects 0 to 64 ) |
audio.adjust_audio_level(delta) | Adjusts the final output level incrementally, which is saved as part of system settings (final level is clamped to 0 to 64 ) |
audio.file_info(path) | Returns information (channels, number of samples, sample rate) about a provided audio file from the dust directory |
example: audio.file_info
The audio
module provides a helper function for audio file inspection which is very useful for loading samples into softcut.
- duration (in samples)
- channels (
for stereo,1
for mono) - sample rate
In this example script, we’ll use each of the returned values:
- duration: used to determine the length of the loop
- channels: determines whether to mix stereo down to mono, or simply import mono
- sample rate: since softcut expects 48kHz files, 44.1kHz files will play back at a different perceived rate;
makes up for these differences by offsetting the playrate and loop length to match the imported audio
-- audio module: file_info example
-- this example script leverages audio.file_info,
-- before loading an audio file into softcut.
fileselect = require("fileselect")
fileselect.done = true
selected_file = "none"
selected_file_path = "none"
clip_info = {}
is_playing = false
play_position = 0
playback_rate = 1
screen_dirty = true
function init()
-- softcut initialization:
softcut.enable(1, 1)
softcut.buffer(1, 1)
softcut.level(1, 1.0)
softcut.loop(1, 1)
softcut.rate(1, 0), 1)
softcut.fade_time(1, 0)
softcut.phase_quant(1, 1 / 30)
screen_redraw_metro = metro.init(function()
if screen_dirty then
screen_dirty = false
end, 1 / 60, -1)
function update_positions(i, pos)
play_position = (pos - 1) / (clip_info.sample_length + 1)
screen_dirty = true
function callback(file_path)
if file_path ~= "cancel" then
clip_info = {}
local channels, length, rate = audio.file_info(file_path)
clip_info.sample_rate = rate
if clip_info.sample_rate ~= 48000 then
print("sample rate should be 48kHz!")
clip_info.sample_length = (length / clip_info.sample_rate) * calculate_samplerate_offset()
if channels == 2 then
-- sum stereo to mono:
for i = 1, 2 do
file_path, -- input file
0, -- source start point, in seconds
1, -- destination start point, in seconds
clip_info.sample_length, -- duration
i, -- soundfile channel to read
1, -- buffer to write into
i - 1, -- level of existing audio
0.5 -- level of imported audio
-- import mono
softcut.buffer_read_mono(file_path, 0, 1, clip_info.sample_length)
-- set voice 1 rate to 0 (not playing)
softcut.rate(1, 0)
-- set voice 1 loop start to 1 second
softcut.loop_start(1, 1.0)
-- set voice 1 loop end to the sample's length
softcut.loop_end(1, clip_info.sample_length + calculate_samplerate_offset())
-- set voice 1 position to 1 second
softcut.position(1, 1)
is_playing = false
playback_rate = 1
play_position = 0
screen_dirty = true
function calculate_samplerate_offset()
local sample_rate_compensation
local import_sr = clip_info.sample_rate
if (48000 / import_sr) > 1 then
sample_rate_compensation = ((1200 * math.log(48000 / import_sr, 2)) / -100)
sample_rate_compensation = ((1200 * math.log(import_sr / 48000, 2)) / 100)
return math.pow(0.5, -sample_rate_compensation / 12)
function redraw()
if fileselect.done or fileselect.done == nil then
screen.text_right(playback_rate .. " (K1: playback rate)")
screen.move(10, 20)
screen.line_rel(play_position * 108, 0)
screen.move(0, 50)
screen.text("press K2 to select file")
if clip_info.sample_rate ~= nil then
screen.move(0, 60)
if not is_playing then
screen.text("press K3 to play file")
screen.text("press K3 to stop file")
function key(n, z)
if n == 2 and z == 1 then
fileselect.enter(, callback, "audio")
elseif n == 3 and z == 1 and clip_info.sample_rate ~= nil then
-- toggle voice 1 play state
if is_playing then
softcut.rate(1, 0)
softcut.rate(1, playback_rate * calculate_samplerate_offset())
is_playing = not is_playing
screen_dirty = true
function enc(n, d)
if n == 1 then
if is_playing then
playback_rate = playback_rate + d/100
softcut.rate(1, playback_rate * calculate_samplerate_offset())