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norns: software help

Between this page and the search bar above, you should be able to solve most norns troubles that you’d run into.

If you need additional help, we’re here for you! Please send an email to using this format:

  • What issue did you experience?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue?
  • What additional hardware was connected to norns at the time of the issue? This includes controllers, wifi dongles, external hubs, etc.
  • Please attach any output printed in maiden when the issue occurs

If you’re unable to supply concrete steps to reliably reproduce the issue, this will reduce our efficacy. Please understand if we point you to existing resources and ask you to verify additional info.

For support with specific scripts and libraries, please visit lines and search for the script’s thread.


recovering from freezes

If you experience a freeze that you can’t recover from, there’s a special button combination which will gently restart the software.

  • First, press and hold K3

  • While K3 is held, press and hold K2

  • While K3 and K2 are held, press and hold K1

  • Hold all three keys down for 10 seconds

The order of the keypresses matters: K3 then add K2 then add K1

If multiple attempts of this combination fail, these options are last resorts:

  • standard norns have a little white button on the rear side which provides a hard reset

  • shields do not have a reset button, so the only option is to pull power

Use the brute-force approach only if you cannot recover using the suggested method

screen unresponsive after update

If a system update fails, norns may not be able to boot completely and you will be met with a black screen after the sine-like startup tone. Despite having a black screen, you’ll still have WIFI access, which will allow us to re-run the update using SSH:

  • navigate to the latest norns release
  • find the .tgz Asset and copy its web address, eg.
  • open a terminal
  • execute: ssh we@norns.local
  • type in your password (which is sleep, unless you’ve changed it)

Once connected, execute the following commands one line at a time:

  • change to the update directory: cd update
  • download the release file via the Asset’s web address: wget
    • be sure to change the URL to the one you copied in the steps above!
  • unpack the update file (which is formatted as nornsYYMMDD.tgz): tar xzvf norns240221.tgz
    • be sure to change the filename to match the one you’re working with!
  • change directory to the numeric update identifier: cd 240221
    • be sure to change the numeric update identifier to match the one you’re working with!
  • run the update script: ./
  • reboot norns: sudo reboot now

adding + updating scripts

maiden (the web-based editor built into norns) features a project manager to help facilitate project discovery, installation, and upgrades.

To add a script that isn’t hosted on maiden, you can fetch it using maiden’s REPL

If you are updating a project through maiden’s project manager that was not originally installed via the project manager, you will receive an error that the project cannot be found in the catalog. Please delete the previously installed version and reinstall through project manager, which establishes the necessary git files for future updates.

lines also has a dedicated Library for projects tagged norns. In each project’s thread, you’ll find in-depth conversation as well as performance examples and tutorials. Projects for norns are primarily built and maintained by the lines community, so any questions/trouble with a specific project should be directed to its thread.

clear a currently-running script

Press K1 to toggle from PLAY to HOME. Highlight SELECT and hold K1 – you’ll see CLEAR in the middle of the screen. Press K3 to clear the currently running script.

‘available’ scripts do not appear in maiden

If you are not seeing any scripts populate under maiden’s available tab:

  • confirm both norns and your other computer are connected to the same wifi network
  • confirm that you are on the latest version of the core norns software
  • connect to maiden and confirm that the following files exist under data/sources: base.json and community.json
    • if they do not exist, or the files themselves are empty, import fresh copies of each
  • if the data/catalogs folder does not exist, create it
  • restart your device

Following the steps above should create the necessary circumstances for the community and base catalogs to populate.

error messages


SuperCollider fails to load if you have multiple copies of the same engine, which are commonly contained in duplicate .sc files inside of dust (the parent folder for the projects installed on norns).

To typically solve this, connect via wifi and open maiden. Type ;restart into the maiden matron REPL at the bottom (the >> prompt).

This will restart the audio components and output their logs. If there’s a duplicate class an error message like the following will be shown:


In this example, the engine is duplicated in two projects: ack and we. Using maiden, you would expand each project’s lib folder to reveal the duplicated After you remove one of the offending engines, execute SYSTEM > RESTART from the norns menu.

If the issue persists or maiden does not report duplicate engines, please email Keep in mind that unless you’re familiar with Supercollider, do not tamper with its internal folder structure. All typical norns functionality can be handled through the maiden project manager or the dust folder.


This simply means there is an error in the script you’re trying to load.

Connect via wifi and open maiden to see the error message when you again try to load the script.

A common problem may be a missing engine. Check the output for something like:

### SCRIPT ERROR: missing Timber

In this example, the script requires Timber, so go find it in the Project Manager and install it. If you had just recently installed Timber, you need to restart your norns through SLEEP or entering ;restart in the matron REPL.

perpetual ‘loading…’

SuperCollider can fail to load if you have multiple copies of the same Class file, which are commonly duplicated .sc files which a script has installed in the hidden local folder of norns.

If you’re able to load maiden, there are two tabs in the main REPL area (above the >> prompt at the bottom of your screen). The first tab is for matron, the control program that runs scripts – the other is sc, for SuperCollider. Click into the sc tab and type ;restart into the REPL. Monitor the incoming messages and look for any ERRORs. For example:

Compiling class library…
Found 738 primitives.
Compiling directory ‘/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary’
Compiling directory ‘/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions’
Compiling directory ‘/home/we/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions’
ERROR: duplicate Class found: ‘exampleName’
Compiling directory ‘/home/we/norns/sc/core’
Compiling directory ‘/home/we/norns/sc/engines’
Compiling directory ‘/home/we/dust’
ERROR: There is a discrepancy.
numClassDeps 1604 gNumClasses 3206

The first ERROR we see tells us that:

  • there is a duplicate of a Class named 'exampleName'
  • one copy is located at: /home/we/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/exampleFolder/Classes/
  • another copy is located at: /home/we/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/supercollider-plugins/

To rectify, you will need to erase one of the two files. For this example, we’ll remove the first folder listed by executing the following via maiden’s command line (using exampleFolder as an example folder name):

util.os_capture("rm -r /home/we/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/exampleFolder")

Restart norns and the issue should be cleared.


This indicates that something is wrong with SuperCollider, which could be due to various issues. First, always just try rebooting via SYSTEM > SLEEP.

If you’re able to load maiden, there are two tabs in the main REPL area (above the >> prompt at the bottom of your screen). The first tab is for matron, the control program that runs scripts – the other is sc for SuperCollider. Click into the sc tab and type ;restart into the REPL. That should show you what is going on inside of SuperCollider.

  • You might have a duplicate engine.
  • You might be missing a required engine.
  • You might have a duplicate class.
  • If this doesn’t help, you may need to re-flash your norns with a clean image (after backing up any of your data).
  • If this doesn’t fix it, there may be a hardware issue: e-mail


If a newly-renamed script throws a file not found error in maiden, it is likely because the system has not registered the name change – even though you see the new name in the UI. Perform a hard refresh on your browser (how?).

not an error: ‘ /home/we/dust/data//.pmap not read.'

This is not an error. We’re including it here because it often gets mistaken for one, as it can accompany other issues with a script load.

This message is only reporting that the script has never (successfully) been run before. It will go away once the norns system creates a default .pmap for that script, which happens the first time the script is cleanly exited.

errors together in realtime

We’ll see errors from the running script print to maiden’s REPL. But since maiden only allows us to scroll back through a limited history and occasionally will suppress errors (for example if we’re developing a mod), that sometimes won’t be enough.

If we want to see a more encompassing realtime view of error messages from the running script, mods, and SuperCollider, we can log into our our norns directly via SSH and issue the following command:

journalctl -f

This will not only show the last few system messages (including errors), but it will update as new ones occur.

When we’re done, we can close the stream by hitting Ctrl+C. Be sure to also close the SSH connection to your norns by executing exit.

reboot via maiden

To perform a quick reboot of the entire norns stack (for instance, when installing a script with a synth engine), reboot SuperCollider then reboot matron.

To reboot matron, the Lua layer of norns, execute ;restart in the matron tab of the maiden REPL.

To reboot SuperCollider, the synthesis layer of norns, execute ;restart in the supercollider tab of the maiden REPL.