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grid studies: Python

Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C++ or Java. The language provides constructs intended to enable clear programs on both a small and large scale (from Wikipedia).



This tutorial assumes a basic familiarity with the Python langauge and its programing workflow. If you’re very new to Python, check out the Python Tutorial.

This tutorial has been updated to reflect changes in Python 3.11.1. For the previous Python 3.5 tutorial, click here. See for downloads and more information about different versions.

Once Python is installed, you can install the pymonome library through your terminal of choice by executing: pip3 install pymonome

Download the code examples here:

1.connect and basics

See for this section.

#! /usr/bin/env python3

import asyncio
import monome

class GridStudies(monome.GridApp):
    def __init__(self):

    def on_grid_key(self, x, y, s):
        print("key:", x, y, s)
        self.grid.led_level_set(x, y, s * 15)

async def main():
    loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
    grid_studies = GridStudies()

    def serialosc_device_added(id, type, port):
        print('connecting to {} ({})'.format(id, type))
        asyncio.ensure_future(grid_studies.grid.connect('', port))

    serialosc = monome.SerialOsc()

    await serialosc.connect()
    await loop.create_future()

if __name__ == '__main__':

The pymonome library simplifies communication with the grid by communicating directly with serialosc. For a detailed description of how the serialosc mechanism and protocol work, see the serialosc protocol docs.

Note that the preceding example consists of two parts. First, we describe the class GridStudies, which inherits monome.GridApp. This class defines the behavior and properties of our grid-based application. Next, we set up the serialosc client, instantiate the application, and start the main loop.

Python programs using asyncio require explicitly starting the event loop, so creating the loop is actually the first step our program takes:

    loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()

Next, we create the application instance:

    grid_studies = GridStudies()

In the next lines we define a callback to execute when serialosc detects a monome device. In this example the callback prints the device type and connects the grid port of the application to the newly discovered device. Note that opening a connection to the grid is an asynchronous operation. The grid.connect method returns a coroutine, so we can’t call it directly. Instead, we schedule the coroutine execution using asyncio.ensure_future():

def serialosc_device_added(id, type, port):
    print('connecting to {} ({})'.format(id, type))
    asyncio.ensure_future(grid_studies.grid.connect('', port))

The next step is to create a serialosc client and attach the callback for new devices:

serialosc = monome.SerialOsc()

The next line establishes a connection to serialosc, which is also an asynchronous operation. We’ll use Python’s await keyword to wait for this connection to be established:

await serialosc.connect()

Then, we create a Future object for our loop:

await loop.create_future()

After the loop is started in the script’s final two lines, the library connects the first discovered device to our GridStudies object which is the primary definition of this application.

For additional information on the ‘name-main’ idiom employed in the final two lines of all the study scripts, see this article

Let’s take a look at our application class:

class GridStudies(monome.GridApp):
    def __init__(self):

The constructor here simply calls the parent constructor without arguments. Because there is no additional code in the constructor, it can be omitted entirely, but we still have it declared in case we’ll want to add some additional initialization logic to the application later.

1.1 key input

The library calls the method on_grid_key() upon receiving input from the grid. It has three parameters.

x : horizontal position (0-15)
y : vertical position (0-7)
s : state (1 = key down, 0 = key up)

Below we define the key function and simply print out incoming data.

def on_grid_key(self, x, y, s):
    print("key:", x, y, s)

1.2 LED output

GridStudies is inherited from monome.GridApp which is a base class for grid-based applications. It exposes the grid via the grid property so we can actually do something with the hardware, such as setting an LED value by calling self.grid.led_level_set().

self.grid.led_level_set(x, y, s * 15)

Here we send a new LED update per key event. Since s is either 0 or 1, when we multiply it by 15 we get off or full brightness. We set the LED location according to the position incoming key press, x and y.

If we’re simply interested in displaying presses, this is fine enough. But for scripts where we want to display more layers of information, this approach of directly addressing and redrawing each individual LED isn’t very efficient. Let’s improve upon our approach in the next section!

2. further

Now we’ll show how basic grid applications are developed by creating a step sequencer. We will add features incrementally:

  • Use all the rows above the last two as toggles. We could assume this is the first 6 rows, but since grid sizes can vary (eg. 256’s have 16 rows and 16 columns), we’ll write our code to be adaptable to any canvas.
  • Generate a clock pulse to advance the playhead from left to right, one column at a time. Wrap back to 0 at the end. Again, we’ll write this to be adaptable to both 64’s (with 8 columns) and 128/256’s (with 16 columns).
  • Display the play head on “position” (last) row.
  • Indicate the “activity” row (second to last) with a low brightness.
  • Trigger an event when the playhead reads an “on” toggle. Our “event” will be to turn on the corresponding LED in the “activity” row.
  • Jump to playback position when key pressed in the position row.
  • Adjust playback loop with two-key gesture in position row.


Moving forward, we’ll refresh the grid display on a timer, which will later also serve as the play head. We also want to ensure a few things are true about our application:

  • the action should start when a grid is plugged in for the first time
  • if the grid is disconnected, the action should continue without error
  • variables managed by the grid should persist for the application’s life, even if the grid connection is lost (like when changing applications or hot-swapping to another device)

Below is the basic structure that facilitates this criteria:

#! /usr/bin/env python3

import asyncio
import monome

class GridStudies(monome.GridApp):
    def __init__(self):
        # .. initialize other instance variables ..
        self.width = 0
        self.height = 0
        # build a task to further the action:
        self.play_task = asyncio.ensure_future(

    # when grid is plugged in via USB:
    def on_grid_ready(self):
        # .. update instance variables ..
        self.width = 0
        self.height = 0
        self.connected = True
        # draw our interface:

    # when grid is physically disconnected:
    def on_grid_disconnect(self, *args):
        self.connected = False

    async def play(self):
        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
            # .. perform actions ..

    def on_grid_key(self, x, y, s):
        # .. define grid press action ..

    def draw(self):
        buffer = monome.GridBuffer(self.width, self.height)

        # .. change display state ..

        # update grid
        if self.connected:

on_grid_ready and on_grid_disconnect are two callback functions built into the pymonome library, which respond when a grid is physically connected or disconnected to the host computer.

We establish self.connected so we can use the grid’s connected state as a variable for other parts of our script.

Schedule, Process, Display

In our application’s initialization, we schedule play() for execution using self.play_task = asyncio.ensure_future(,

The body of the while True: loop within the play function will be executed every 0.1 seconds. self.draw() is where we refresh the grid display.

Key presses will be processed as they come in:

def on_grid_key(self, x, y, s):
        # .. define grid press action ..

Finally, we’ll use a subclass called GridBuffer for managing the display state. This section creates a buffer based on grid size (which is queried and stored as width and height in our on_grid_ready function):

def draw(self):
    buffer = monome.GridBuffer(self.width, self.height)

Instead of updating single LEDs at a time, we’ll draw the entire grid and then render that to the hardware at the end of our draw function:

# update grid
if self.connected:

Buffer-based rendering is much more efficient than addressing LEDs directly, because it collects individual LED messages into a single map array, which refreshes the display by 8x8 quadrants. For a 16x8 grid, two buffer-collected map messages takes the place of 128 individual self.grid.led_level_set messages.

Let’s begin by building a bank of toggles for the sequencer.

2.1 toggles

See for this section.

First we’ll establish what should happen when a grid is connected, via on_grid_ready():

# when grid is plugged in via USB:
def on_grid_ready(self):
    self.width = self.grid.width
    self.height = self.grid.height
    self.sequencer_rows = self.height-2
    self.connected = True
  • we create instance variables for width, height, and sequencer_rows, which will determine the range of keys which can be toggled
  • we assign sequencer_rows to the height of the grid, excepting the last two rows
  • we track the grid’s connected state with connected
  • we redraw the grid interface

On key input we’ll look for key-down events in every row besides the last two, log their state, and draw the LED display:

def on_grid_key(self, x, y, s):
    # toggle steps
    if s == 1 and y < self.sequencer_rows:
        self.step[y][x] ^= 1

Inside of draw(), we build the LED display from scratch each time we need to refresh. Below we simply copy the step data to the led array, doing the proper multiplication by 11 in order to get almost-full brightness. Note that we’re initializing buffer on each redraw, which gives us a blank canvas. This’ll be useful later on, when we want to display our playhead’s movements.

def draw(self):
    buffer = monome.GridBuffer(self.width, self.height)

    # display steps
    for x in range(self.width):
        for y in range(self.sequencer_rows):
            buffer.led_level_set(x, y, self.step[y][x] * 11)

    # update grid
    if self.connected:

That’ll get us started.

2.2 play

See for this section.

On each iteration inside play() we wait for 0.1 seconds to pass before we increment play_position to move onto the next step. This value must be wrapped to 0 if it’s at the end.

async def play(self):
    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

        if self.play_position == self.width - 1:
            self.play_position = 0
            self.play_position += 1

        if self.connected:

In draw, we add highlighting for the play position:

# display steps
for x in range(self.width):
    # highlight the play position
    if x == self.play_position:
        highlight = 4
        highlight = 0

    for y in range(self.sequencer_rows):
        buffer.led_level_set(x, y, self.step[y][x] * 11 + highlight)

While copying steps to the grid in a loop, we check if we’re updating a column that is the play position. If so, we increase the highlight value. By adding this value during the copy we’ll get a nice effect of an overlaid translucent bar.

2.3 triggers

See for this section.

When the playhead advances to a new column we want something to happen which corresponds to the toggled-on values. We’ll do two things: we’ll show separate visual feedback on the grid in the second-to-last (trigger) row, and we’ll print something to the command line.

Drawing the trigger row happens entirely in the draw():

# draw trigger bar and on-states
for x in range(self.width):
    buffer.led_level_set(x, self.sequencer_rows, 4)

for y in range(self.sequencer_rows):
    if self.step[y][self.play_position] == 1:
        buffer.led_level_set(self.play_position, self.sequencer_rows, 15)

First we create a dim glow underneath our sequencer canvas with level 4. Then we search through the step array at the current play position, showing a bright indicator for each on state. This displays a sort of horizontal correlation of the “channel”’s current state.

For the screen drawing, we create a function trigger() which gets passed values of activated steps. This is what we do, inside play() right after we change play_position:

for y in range(self.sequencer_rows):
    if self.step[y][self.play_position] == 1:

Which references trigger():

def trigger(self, i):
    print("triggered", i)

This could of course do something much more exciting, such as generate MIDI notes, animate robot arms, set off fireworks, etc.

2.4 dynamic cuts

See for this section.

We will now use the bottom row to dynamically cut the playback position. First let’s add a position display underneath our sequencer canvas, which will be inside draw():

# draw play position
buffer.led_level_set(self.play_position, self.sequencer_rows+1, 15)

Now we look for key presses in the last row, in the on_grid_key function:

# cut
elif y == height-1: # want 0-index!
    # cut
    if s == 1:
        self.cutting = True
        self.next_position = x

We’ve added two variables, cutting and next_position. Check out the changed code where we check the timer:

async def play(self):
    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        if self.cutting:
            self.play_position = self.next_position
        elif self.play_position == self.width - 1:
            self.play_position = 0
            self.play_position += 1

Now, when pressing keys on the bottom row it will cue the next position to be played.

2.5 loop

See for this section.

Lastly, we’ll implement setting the loop start and end points with a two-press gesture: pressing and holding the start point, and pressing an end point while still holding the first key. We’ll need to add a variable to count keys held, one to track the last key pressed, and variables to store the loop positions.

def on_grid_ready(self):
    # ...
    self.loop_start = 0
    self.loop_end = self.width - 1
    self.keys_held = 0
    self.key_last = 0

We count keys held on the bottom row thusly:

# cut and loop
elif y == self.height-1:
    self.keys_held = self.keys_held + (s * 2) - 1

By multiplying s by 2 and then subtracting one, we add one on a key down and subtract one on a key up.

We’ll then use the keys_held counter to do different actions:

# cut
if s == 1 and self.keys_held == 1:
    self.cutting = True
    self.next_position = x
    self.key_last = x
# set loop points
elif s == 1 and self.keys_held == 2:
    self.loop_start = self.key_last
    self.loop_end = x

We then modify the position change code:

async def play(self):
    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

        if self.cutting:
            self.play_position = self.next_position
        elif self.play_position == self.width - 1:
            self.play_position = 0
        elif self.play_position == self.loop_end:
            self.play_position = self.loop_start
            self.play_position += 1



suggested exercises

  • Repurpose the on_grid_disconnect method to stop playback and reset variables when the grid is disconnected.
  • “Record” keypresses in the “trigger” row to the toggle matrix.
  • Display the loop range on the bottom row of the grid.
  • Use the rightmost key in the “trigger” row as an “alt” key.
    • If “alt” is held while pressing a toggle, clear the entire row.
    • If “alt” is held while pressing the play row, reverse the direction of play.


Python was designed by Guido van Rossum and is maintained by the Python Software Foundation.

pymonome was written and is maintained by Artem Popov.

This tutorial was created by Brian Crabtree and Dan/i Derks for

Contributions welcome. Submit a pull request to or e-mail