2023 grids
introduced zero (16x16) and one (8x16). back to warm white light. RP2040 microcontroller. circuit board marking monome/grid-zero/230412
and monome/grid-one/230412
. bus powered. usb-c.
2022 grid
same as 2021 grid, but with a different microcontroller (RP2040). circuit board marking monome/grid/220914
. bus powered. usb-c.
2021 grid
completely reworked. clear white light. 16-step variable brightness. snappy, easy keypress. slightly thinner, certainly lighter. uses fewer components, consumes less power. bus powered. usb-c.
2016 arc
matches the 2015 grid. bright warm white light. 16-step variable brightness. two-tone all-aluminum assembly. super thin. bus powered. mini-usb.
2015 grid
128 only. bright warm white light. 16-step variable brightness. two-tone all-aluminum assembly. super thin. bus powered. mini-usb.
2014 grid kit
same circuitry as the 2013 grid. include aluminum top plate and acrylic bottom plate.
2013 grid
128 only. tilt discontinued. thin walnut enclosure. usb port moved slightly, new single-board circuitry. 16-step variable brightness per LED. bus powered. mini-usb.
2012 arcs
solid-block milled walnut enclosures, half-height of 2011 model. edge-exposed aluminum plate. yellow-orange LEDs, improved LED circuitry. new completely custom encoder assembly with no wobble, 1024 steps per revolution, no key-press. bus powered. mini-usb.
2012 grids
solid-block milled walnut enclosures, half-height of 2011 model. edge-exposed aluminum plate. yellow-orange LEDs, improved LED circuitry with 16-step variable brightness per LED. new tilt circuitry with 3 axis and much higher resolution. bus powered. mini-usb.
2011 arcs
solid-block milled walnut enclosures, plate embedded. orange LEDs. bournes encoders (have slight wobble due to manufacturers tolerances), which are 256 steps per revolution, include key-press per encoder. bus powered. standard usb plug.
2011 grids
solid-block milled walnut enclosures, plate embedded. 4-step per-LED variable brightness introduced (slightly buggy – minor flickering on some units). orange LEDs. tilt upgrade offered later (no longer available). all bus powered. standard usb plug.
monome kit aka mk – 2010
modular grid kit, logic board supported 8×8, 8×16, or 16×16. 40h keypad size.
grayscale 64, 128 – 2010-2012
white LEDs (monobright), silicone over steel enclosure, framed aluminum plate. tilt sensor. bus powered.
“series” 64, 128, 256 – 2007-2010
smaller keypads than the 40h. mitred-frame walnut enclosure, plate embedded/framed within enclosure, orange LEDs (monobright). rubber “noodle” slip guard on bottom. burned brand “monome” on bottom. 256 and 128 shipped with external power supply (center positive 2.1mm, 9V at least 1A). bus power upgrade offered later. 64 bus powered and included tilt sensor. 256 and 128 not tilt upgradeable.
40h kit – 2007-2010
8×8, DIY soldered kit.
40h special edition – 2007
8×8, orange LEDs (monobright), various colored enclosures, powercoated white top plates, built-in tilt sensor. 16 units made.
40h – 2006-2007
8×8, green LEDs (monobright), black silicone enclosure, edge-exposed aluminum plate. exposed ADC ports internally, could be used for tilt as a user modification.