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Syntax Description
osc.event(path,{args},{host_IP,port}) Action which is executed when OSC messages are received by norns. path is a string which prepends the incoming values. {args} are a table of incoming values. {host_IP,port} is a table which identifies the source address. Can be redefined by script.
Two paths are reserved for parameter menu manipulation (/param/param_id val)+ hardware key/encoder manipulation (/remote/key n val or /remote/enc n d).
Another path (/remote/brd n val) is reserved for emulating keyboard entry.
osc.send({dest_IP, port}, path, {args}) Send a table of OSC data from norns to another networked device. {dest_IP,port} is a table which identifies the destination address.path is a string which prepends the outgoing values. {args} are a table of outgoing values.


Use with this Max patch for bi-directional communication between a general-purpose computer and norns.

local Graph = require "graph" -- for on-screen visual

function init()
  external_osc_IP = nil -- to track the external device's IP
  screen_dirty = true

  demo_graph =, 127, "lin", 0, 127, "lin", "point", true, true)
  demo_graph:set_position_and_size(3, 3, 122, 58)
  demo_graph:add_point(1, 0)

  params:add_number("x_axis","x axis",0,127,0)
      demo_graph:edit_point(1, x, params:get("y_axis"))
      screen_dirty = true

  params:add_number("y_axis","y axis",0,127,0)
      demo_graph:edit_point(1, params:get("x_axis"), y)
      screen_dirty = true

  redraw_clock =
      while true do
        clock.sleep(1/60) -- 60fps
        if screen_dirty then


function osc.event(path,args,from)
  -- since our Max patch is sending parameter value changes directly
  --  via '/params/x_axis' and '/params/y_axis',
  --  we'll only need to intercept its 'send' path:
  if path == "send" then
    print("external IP "..from[1])
    external_osc_IP = from[1]

function key(n,z)
  local dest = {external_osc_IP,10101}
  if dest[1] ~= nil then

function enc(n,d)
  screen_dirty = true

function redraw()
  screen.text_right("x: "..params:get("x_axis"))
  screen.text_right("y: "..params:get("y_axis"))
  screen_dirty = false

a note about slashes

Leading slashes for OSC messages are canonical and best practice, but they are not technically required by norns for successful interpretation of incoming messages via OSC.

In our example above, Max transmits "send computer IP + port to norns" whenever the message object is clicked – norns separates each word into its own string and logs it as:

  • path: "send"
  • args[1]: "computer"
  • args[2]: "IP"
  • args[3]: "+"
  • args[4]: "port"
  • args[5]: "to"
  • args[6]: "norns"

In our Lua code, we intercept the case when path == "send", then abandon the args and focus on where the message is coming from (via the from table).


Connect a script to other OSC-enabled devices across a network. Provides scaffolding for incoming and outgoing OSC functions.

osc.event is a static callback function which reflects incoming OSC events from an external source. These events are formatted as:

  • path: a string that prepends a table of data, to add significance to the data, eg. “/cutoff”, etc.
    • nb. see below for built-in OSC mapping of any script parameter
  • args: a table of values which follow the path, which a script can separate by index and pass to other functions within the script
  • from: a table which includes the source device’s IP address and port, which help identify the device to norns

norns only listens to OSC events through port 10111

osc.send is a static method to send an OSC event from norns. These events are formatted as:

  • dest: a table which includes the destination device’s IP address and a port through which the destination device is expecting messages from norns
  • path: a string that prepends a table of data, which reflects the significance of the data to the receiving device, eg. “/x”, “/y”, “/cutoff”, etc.
  • args: a table of values which follow the path, which a destination device can separate by index

norns can send to any OSC port which your destination device accepts

mapping OSC control over parameters + hardware

norns has a special OSC formatter reserved for mapping script parameters: /params/param_id val.

The param_id display can be toggled in the norns parameters menu by holding K1 and pressing K3 – this brings norns in and out of MAP mode.

In our example, we set up parameter IDs x_axis and y_axis, so if norns receives /params/x_axis 60, it will change the x_axis parameter to 60.

The encoders and keys can also be manipulated via OSC using /remote/enc and remote/key. enc expects a delta value (eg. /remote/enc 1 -1 will ‘turn’ encoder 1 to the left). key expects a 1 or 0 for ‘press’ or ‘release’ (eg. /remote/key 3 1 will ‘press’ key 3 and /remote/key 3 0 will ‘release’ it).

OSC can also transmit keyboard control over norns, using /remote/brd n val, where n is the index of the norns keyboard codes and val is 1 or 0 for ‘press’ or ‘release’.