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Aleph: Forking

This is an example of how to fork the Aleph repo, change something, and submit a request for your changes to be pulled upstream to monome/aleph. Some naming and workflow conventions are to taste, and user is your own GitHub username.

Create a fork of monome/aleph on GitHub by clicking the “fork” button on the upper right of the repo page. There should now be a new repo on your GitHub page called user/aleph.

Now, the terminal commands go something like this:

1: Clone a local copy of your new repo and go into it

git clone aleph_user
cd aleph_user

2: Create a local dev branch tracking your remote dev branch

git checkout -b dev origin/dev

3: Add another remote pointed at the upstream repo

git remote add upstream

4: Fetch and merge any upstream changes

git fetch upstream dev
git merge upstream/dev

5: Do some work…

It’s optional, but prudent, to make a new local branch for your work in progress:

git checkout -b newstuff
echo what > newthing.txt
git add newthing.txt

6: Commit your work locally and merge it back to into dev

git commit -m “added newthing”
git checkout dev
git merge newstuff

7: Push changes to your forked repo

git push origin dev

Here it’s a good idea to check again for upstream changes by performing step 4 again, and preemptively fix any merge conflicts.

Now submit a pull request

  • visit the page for your fork
  • select your dev branch from the dropdown menu
  • click the big green button that says “compare and pull request”
  • enter your comments and verify that the basis for comparison is monome:dev … user:dev (it should be)

Click send and you are done!