Module screen
Screen class subset of cairo drawing functions.
update_default () | copy buffer to screen. |
ping () | restart screen saver timer |
update_low_battery () | low battery screen update |
aa (state) | enable/disable anti-aliasing. |
clear () | clear. |
level (value) | set level (color/brightness). |
line_width (w) | set line width. |
line_cap (style) | set line cap style. |
line_join (style) | set line join style. |
miter_limit (limit) | set miter limit. |
move (x, y) | move drawing position. |
move_rel (x, y) | move drawing position relative to current position. |
line (x, y) | draw line to specified point. |
line_rel (x, y) | draw line to specified point relative to current position. |
arc (x, y, r, angle1, angle2) | draw arc. |
circle (x, y, r) | draw circle. |
rect (x, y, w, h) | draw rectangle. |
curve (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) | draw curve (cubic Bézier spline). |
curve_rel (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) | draw curve (cubic Bézier spline) relative coordinates. |
close () | close current path. |
stroke () | stroke current path. |
fill () | fill current path. |
text (str) | draw text (left aligned). |
text_trim (str, w) | draw left-aligned text, trimmed to specified width. |
text_rotate (x, y, str, degrees) | draw text (left aligned) and rotated. |
text_right (str) | draw text, right aligned. |
text_center (str) | draw text, center aligned. |
text_center_rotate (x, y, str, degrees) | draw text, center aligned, and rotated. |
text_extents (str) | calculate width of text given current font and draw state. |
font_face (index) | select font face. |
font_size (size) | set font size. |
pixel (x, y) | draw single pixel (requires integer x/y, fill afterwards). |
export_screenshot (filename) | export screenshot |
display_png (filename, x, y) | display png |
load_png (filename) | load png into an image buffer |
create_image (width, height) | create an image buffer |
display_image (image, x, y) | display image buffer |
display_image_region (image, left, top, width, height, x, y) | display sub-region image buffer |
draw_to (image, func) | direct screen drawing within the provide function into the image instead of the screen |
peek (x, y, w, h) | get a rectangle of screen content. |
poke (x, y, w, h, s) | set a rectangle of screen content. |
rotate (r) | rotate |
translate (x, y) | move origin position |
save () | save |
blend_mode (index) | change screen blending mode. |
- update_default ()
- copy buffer to screen.
- ping ()
- restart screen saver timer
- update_low_battery ()
- low battery screen update
- aa (state)
enable/disable anti-aliasing.
- state on(1) or off(0)
- clear ()
- clear.
- level (value)
set level (color/brightness).
- value number 0-15 (0=off, 15=white)
- line_width (w)
set line width.
- w number line width (in pixels, floats permitted)
- line_cap (style)
set line cap style.
- style line cap style string ("butt", "round" or "square"). default is "butt".
- line_join (style)
set line join style.
- style line join style string ("miter", "round" or "bevel"). default is "miter"
- miter_limit (limit)
set miter limit.
- limit if the current line join style is set to "miter", the miter limit is used to determine whether the lines should be joined with a bevel instead of a miter. if the length of the miter divided by the line width is greater than the miter limit, the style is converted to a bevel. default value 10.
- move (x, y)
move drawing position.
- x number position x
- y number position y
- move_rel (x, y)
move drawing position relative to current position.
- x number relative position x
- y number relative position y
- line (x, y)
draw line to specified point.
- x number destination x
- y number destination y
- line_rel (x, y)
draw line to specified point relative to current position.
- x number relative destination x
- y number relative destination y
- arc (x, y, r, angle1, angle2)
draw arc.
- x number circle center x
- y number circle center y
- r number radius
- angle1 number start angle
- angle2 number end angle
- circle (x, y, r)
draw circle.
- x number origin x
- y number origin y
- r number radius
- rect (x, y, w, h)
draw rectangle.
- x number x position
- y number y position
- w number width
- h number height
- curve (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
draw curve (cubic Bézier spline).
- x1 number handle 1 x
- y1 number handle 1 y
- x2 number handle 2 x
- y2 number handle 2 y
- x3 number destination x
- y3 number destination y
- curve_rel (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
draw curve (cubic Bézier spline) relative coordinates.
- x1 number handle 1 x
- y1 number handle 1 y
- x2 number handle 2 x
- y2 number handle 2 y
- x3 number relative destination x
- y3 number relative destination y
- close ()
- close current path.
- stroke ()
- stroke current path. uses currently selected color. after this call the current path will be cleared, so the 'relative' functions (move_rel, line_rel and curve_rel) won't work - use their absolute alternatives instead.
- fill ()
- fill current path. uses currently selected color. after this call the current path will be cleared, so the 'relative' functions (move_rel, line_rel and curve_rel) won't work - use their absolute alternatives instead.
- text (str)
draw text (left aligned).
uses currently selected font.
- str string : text to write
- text_trim (str, w)
draw left-aligned text, trimmed to specified width.
(characters are removed from end of string until it fits.)
uses currently selected font.
- str string text to write
- w number width
- text_rotate (x, y, str, degrees)
draw text (left aligned) and rotated.
uses currently selected font.
- x number x position
- y number y position
- str string : text to write
- degrees number : degrees to rotate
- text_right (str)
draw text, right aligned.
uses currently selected font
- str string : text to write.
- text_center (str)
draw text, center aligned.
uses currently selected font.
- str string : text to write
- text_center_rotate (x, y, str, degrees)
draw text, center aligned, and rotated.
uses currently selected font.
- x number x position
- y number y position
- str string : text to write
- degrees number : degress to rotate
- text_extents (str)
calculate width of text given current font and draw state.
- str string : text to calculate width of
- font_face (index)
select font face.
- index
font face (see list, or Screen.font_face_names)
- 1 norns (default)
- 3 Roboto Thin
- 4 Roboto Light
- 5 Roboto Regular
- 6 Roboto Medium
- 7 Roboto Bold
- 8 Roboto Black
- 9 Roboto Thin Italic
- 10 Roboto Light Italic
- 11 Roboto Italic
- 12 Roboto Medium Italic
- 13 Roboto Bold Italic
- 14 Roboto Black Italic
- 15 VeraBd
- 16 VeraBI
- 17 VeraIt
- 18 VeraMoBd
- 19 VeraMoBI
- 20 VeraMoIt
- 21 VeraMono
- 22 VeraSeBd
- 23 VeraSe
- 24 Vera
- 25 bmp/tom-thumb
- 26 creep
- 27 ctrld-fixed-10b
- 28 ctrld-fixed-10r
- 29 ctrld-fixed-13b
- 30 ctrld-fixed-13b-i
- 31 ctrld-fixed-13r
- 32 ctrld-fixed-13r-i
- 33 ctrld-fixed-16b
- 34 ctrld-fixed-16b-i
- 35 ctrld-fixed-16r
- 36 ctrld-fixed-16r-i
- 37 scientifica-11
- 38 scientificaBold-11
- 39 scientificaItalic-11
- 40 ter-u12b
- 41 ter-u12n
- 42 ter-u14b
- 43 ter-u14n
- 44 ter-u14v
- 45 ter-u16b
- 46 ter-u16n
- 47 ter-u16v
- 48 ter-u18b
- 49 ter-u18n
- 50 ter-u20b
- 51 ter-u20n
- 52 ter-u22b
- 53 ter-u22n
- 54 ter-u24b
- 55 ter-u24n
- 56 ter-u28b
- 57 ter-u28n
- 58 ter-u32b
- 59 ter-u32n
- 60 unscii-16-full.pcf
- 61 unscii-16.pcf
- 62 unscii-8-alt.pcf
- 63 unscii-8-fantasy.pcf
- 64 unscii-8-mcr.pcf
- 65 unscii-8.pcf
- 66 unscii-8-tall.pcf
- 67 unscii-8-thin.pcf
- 68 Particle
- 69 04B_03 (aliased to norns.ttf)
- index
- font_size (size)
set font size.
- size number in pixel height.
- pixel (x, y)
draw single pixel (requires integer x/y, fill afterwards).
- x number position
- y number position
- export_screenshot (filename)
export screenshot
- filename saved to dust/data/(script)/(filename).png
- display_png (filename, x, y)
display png
- filename
- x number x position
- y number y position
- load_png (filename)
load png into an image buffer
- filename
- create_image (width, height)
create an image buffer
- width number image witdth
- height number image height
- display_image (image, x, y)
display image buffer
- image
- x number x position
- y number y position
- display_image_region (image, left, top, width, height, x, y)
display sub-region image buffer
- image
- left number left inset within image
- top number top inset within image
- width number width from right within image
- height number height from top within image
- x number x position
- y number y position
- draw_to (image, func)
direct screen drawing within the provide function into the image instead of the screen
- image image the image to draw into
- func function function called to perform drawing
- peek (x, y, w, h)
get a rectangle of screen content. returned buffer contains one byte (valued 0 - 15) per pixel, i.e. w * h bytes
- x number x position
- y number y position
- w number width, default 1
- h number height, default 1
- poke (x, y, w, h, s)
set a rectangle of screen content. expected buffer contains one byte (valued 0 - 15) per pixel, i.e. w * h bytes
- x number x position
- y number y position
- w number width
- h number height
- s string screen content to set
- rotate (r)
- r number radians
- translate (x, y)
move origin position
- x number position x
- y number position y
- save ()
- save
- blend_mode (index)
change screen blending mode.
- index
blending mode (see list), strings are case-insensitive, include '_' between words
more info at
there are other operators available, see the above link or use tab.print(screen.BLEND_MODES) in the REPL for the full list.
0 Over (default)
1 XOR: clears any overlapping pixels.
2 Add: adds together the alpha (brightness) of overlapping pixels.
3 Multiply: multiplies the colors of overlapping pixels, the result is always darker than the two inputs.
4 Screen: the colors of overlapping pixels are complemented, multiplied, then their product is complimented. the result is always lighter than the two inputs.
5 Overlay: multiplies colors if destination pixel level is >= 8, screens colors if destination pixel level is < 8.
6 Darken: keeps the darker value of overlapping pixels.
7 Lighten: keeps the lighter value of overlapping pixels.
8 Color_Dodge: brightens pixels being drawn over.
9 Color_Burn: darkens pixels being drawn over.
10 Hard_Light: multiplies colors if source pixel level is >= 8, screens colors if source pixel level is < 8.
11 Soft_Light: uses Darken or Lighten depending on the color of the source pixel.
12 Difference: the result is the absolute value of the difference of the destination and source pixels.
13 Exclusion: similar to Difference, but has lower contrast.
-- number vs. string input screen.blend_mode(0) screen.blend_mode('over')
-- case-insensitivity screen.blend_mode('hard_light') screen.blend_mode('hArD_lIgHt') screen.blend_mode('HARD_LIGHT')
- index
blending mode (see list), strings are case-insensitive, include '_' between words