
arc Arc
audio Audio class
clock clock coroutines
controlspec ControlSpec Class
crow Crow Module
core.crow.public public.lua
core.crow.quote Quote sub-library fns for stringifying data-structures output is a string that can be read back as lua code with call()
encoders encoders
engine Engine class
gamepad gamepad
grid Grid class
hid Hid class
keyboard keyboard (typing, not piano)
metro high-resolution metro API
midi midi devices
norns System utilities
osc osc device
params.control Control class
paramset ParamSet class
poll Poll class; API for receiving values from audio system.
screen Screen class subset of cairo drawing functions.
script Script class
softcut Softcut module

API for controlling the "softcut" buffer processor includes low-level setters and mid-level utilities

IMPORTANT: all indices are 1-based, per lua convention! this applies to indices for selecting voice, ADC/DAC channel, buffer, &c.

lib.beatclock BeatClock
lib.container.defaulttable DefaultTable - a table which provides a default value initialization for each key
lib.container.deque Create a Deque value (object).
lib.container.observable observable - an observable value
lib.container.watchtable WatchTable - a table which can be watched of key changes
lib.container.weaktable weaktable - a table with weakly held keys
lib.elca elementary cellular automata
lib.envgraph Envelope graph drawing module. Euclidean rhythm (
lib.fileselect fileselect utility
lib.filtergraph Filter graph drawing module.
lib.filters Filters
lib.formatters Formatters
lib.graph Graph drawing module.
lib.intonation "just" some intonation tables
lib.lattice module for creating a lattice of sprockets based on a single fast "superclock"
lib.lfo LFOs for general-purpose scripting
lib.listselect listselect utility
lib.musicutil Music utility module.
lib.pattern timed pattern event recorder/player
lib.reflection clocked pattern recorder library
lib.sequins sequins
lib.tabutil table utility
lib.test.luaunit general utility functions
lib.textentry textentry UI
lib.textentry_kbd just a separate module to store textentry keyboard callbacks prevents having to deal w/ a circular dependency
lib.timeline timeline sequencer

hotrod some clock & sequins structures for rapid playability.

lib.ui UI widgets module.
lib.util db to amp.
lib.voice experimental voice allocation module
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-10-08 18:50:59